S​outhampton Historical Society
Southampton Township
Bedford County, Pennsylvania
"The mission of the Southampton Historical Society is to preserve all aspects of the rich history for the residents and descendants and future generations of Southampton Township, Bedford County, Pennsylvania."
1625-Thomas Powell's Expedition followed the waterways from Jamestown, Virginia to this area
1728- First 13 settlers arrived
1737-Joseph Powell built a Trading Post on Little Sweet Root, about the same time his cousin Robert Ray opened his Trading Post near Bedford
1737-Huff discovered Saltpetre Cave in Sweet Root Gap
1764-Mason and Dixon were commissioned to survey and mark the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania
1758- Indians invaded Chaneysville
1758-Fort Bedford was constructed
1766-Village of Bedford was surveyed, Bedford was named for the Duke of Bedford, before that time it was known as Raystown, probably because of Robert Ray
1771-Bedford County was formed on March 9th of that year
1784-Two Methodist Preachers arrived in Beans Cove
1787-Pennsylvania became the 2nd state, eventually it was divided into 67 counties
1799-Southampton Twp. was organized
1806-First log school was built
1830-Thomas Chaney Jr. built the first inn/tavern in what became the Village of Chaneysville
1840-Monroe Twp. seceded from Southampton Twp. and Providence Twp.
1862-Confederate cavalry scouts entered Black Valley from Flintstone, Md. and camped near Chaneysville
1869-New framed schools were built
1876-Mann Twp. was erected from Southampton Twp.
1879-Hewitt Covered Bridge was approved for use
1921-Forester W. Byers had the Martin Hill Fire Tower built
1930-Someone started a fire on Tussey Mt. that burned 1150 acres on May 4th
1935-CCC camps were established in Sweet Root and Blankley Parks
1949-P.T.A. was organized
1957-Sweet Root Park opened in July
1960-Chaneysville Volunteer Fire Company received their charter in January
1981-David Bradley wrote the novel "The Chaneysville Incident" a story of 13 runaway slaves who passed through Chaneysville
1986- Mabel Hoffman sponsored by the Chaneysville Seniors was crowned "Ms. Senior Pa." (honoring women 60 and over) in Nov. at Hershey, Pa.
1987-April 1st in Atlantic City, Mabel Hoffman won the title of "Ms. Senior America"
2000-Hewitt Covered Bridge restored
2002-On March 16th the Martin Hill Fire Tower was quietly sold and removed.
2002-Chaneysville and Hewitt were included (with photos) in an article written about the Mason-Dixon Line by Anna & Lou Leopold for the June/August issue of the magazine "Westsylvania"
2004-Fire destroyed most of the "hotel" that Thomas Chaney had built
2007-Feb. 15th the Everett Area School Board voted to close Chaneysville-Cove Elementary School at the end of the school term
2007-March 14th Headlines from the Bedford Gazette read "Chaneysvlle parents file complaint; Group hires lawyer to review closing of elementary school"
2007-Friday, July 13 the Honorable Judge Howsare ruled the Everett school board's action was "an abuse of discretion" and Chaneysville-Cove Elementary will remain open
2007-The following week the school board put an automatic supersdeas on Judge Howsare's July 13th ruling, thus the school will be closed and the children will be bused over Tussey Mountain, unless...
2007- August 17th Save Small Schools won once again against the school board when the Honorable Judge Howsare ordered the automatic supersedeas would be lifted and Chaneysville-Cove Elementary would be opened August 29th
2007-August 29th the doors of Chaneysville-Cove Elementary opened as they had since 1954, the only difference was the bus routes
2008-At the end of school term in June Chaneysville-Cove was closed and K-12 were bused around the mountain to the schools in Everett
2008-The Southampton Township acquired the former Chaneysville-Cove Elem.
2008- March-DSL was finally offered in the Chaneysville area
2010- Southampton Historical Society was formed... 1st project...restore Point Pleasant 2-room School.
2011-SHS 1st newsletter the "Southampton Times" was sent to everyone owning land in the township