S​outhampton Historical Society
Southampton Township
Bedford County, Pennsylvania
"The mission of the Southampton Historical Society is to preserve all aspects of the rich history for the residents and descendants and future generations of Southampton Township, Bedford County, Pennsylvania."
From Point Pleasant to Chaneysville-Cove Elem.

Point Pleasant School
Point Pleasant School
Teacher- Rhoda H. Clingerman
Grade 7
Lorraine Adams Victor Imes
Daris Beck Barbara Redinger
Delmer Beck Floyd Roberts
Lloyd Bridges Donna Tewell
Barbara Cooper Daniel Tewell
Donna Cooper Judy Thompson
Dorothy Fletcher Gary Trail
Frances Goldizen Webster Trail, Jr
Georgia Goldizen Orville Walters
Grade 8
Robert Ash Richard Howsare
Helen Bennett Robert Imes
Elizabeth Cooper Zelda Kinser
Jean Conrad William Mallow
Richard Conrad Willis Rice
Dolores Hammond
These thirty students and their teacher remained at the Point Pleasant School. They crossed the road each day to eat their lunch. The following school term they were bused to Everett.

In the early 1950’s the Everett Area School District had three elementary schools built; they had basically the same floor plan and they all opened their doors on Aug. 30, 1954. Breezewood and Mann-Monroe were both built with six classrooms, while Chaneysville only had three. The Chaneysville-Cove Elementary was built on 12.08 acres in Southampton Twp. on land once owned by Albert Adams, descendant of early settler, John Adams. Today, it is surrounded on three sides by land leased to D.C.N.R. and it faces Route 326 and the old two-room Point Pleasant School built in 1873. Point Pleasant School remained open that first school term, with 7th and 8th graders and their teacher Rhoda H. Clingerman, crossing the road each day to eat lunch in the new school. It was closed in 1955 when all the older pupils were bused to Everett Area High School.In the 80’s a separate prefabricated library was added to all three schools.

Addition to
Then in 1997, the citizens of Southampton Township pulled together and built a 30 x 40 foot brick building addition on the one end of Chaneysville-Cove Elementary School. This addition was built completely by volunteers and the school district only had to pay $300.00 for the permit fees. In June of 1997, Harry Smith from the CBS Network aired a report showing the extraordinary efforts of the parents, which prompted a technological improvement grant from R.K. Mellon Family Foundation. Fifteen computers were purchased with this grant.