S​outhampton Historical Society
Southampton Township
Bedford County, Pennsylvania
"The mission of the Southampton Historical Society is to preserve all aspects of the rich history for the residents and descendants and future generations of Southampton Township, Bedford County, Pennsylvania."
Facts of Southampton Township
Information taken from a former Southampton Township Newsletter
* Out of the 25 townships in Bedford County, Southampton Twp. is the second largest in square miles, but the least populated with only about 12 people per square mile
* Southampton Township is 80 square miles
* One third of that land is State Forest and State Game Lands
* There are 39 miles of township roads
* The 2020 Census shows 927 living in our township down from 976 in the 2010 Census
* There are 435 registered voters
* Pennsylvania stands for Penns Woods (because of William Penn) and sylvan meaning "a forested region"
The Southampton Historical Society accepts old newspapers, ledgers, letters, family histories, etc.
Please before you throw anything away contact us! We want to keep our history in our township!