S​outhampton Historical Society
Southampton Township
Bedford County, Pennsylvania
"The mission of the Southampton Historical Society is to preserve all aspects of the rich history for the residents and descendants and future generations of Southampton Township, Bedford County, Pennsylvania."

Our members receive a spring and fall newsletter with their $10.00 yearly membership, Back issues are available for $5.00 each.
Each newsletter consists of history articles written by our members, occasionally an old newspaper article, lots of photos and our own "Rabbit Tales" which John Paxton writes about a plant, animal or natural formation which helped to shape our township.
Fall 2011 includes our 1st settlers, the Powell Expedition, our Timeline, newspaper article of the William Tell of Beans Cove and where our Veterans are buried, and the Allegheny Wood Rat.
Spring 2012 includes Post Offices of Southampton Twp., the Hewitt Covered Bridge, Mt. Zion Church, the updated Veteran burial list, SS Robert Hartsock, and the Chestnut Oak.
Fall 2012 includes the Election Houses, Olympian Natalie Dell, the History of the Pentecostal Church, Robert Hartsock Bridge, CCC Halloween Party and the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid.
Spring 2013 includes the Beans Cove Methodist Church, Caves of our township and the Historical Geology of this area.
Fall 2013 includes the Carl Cessna Trail ~ Mid State Trail, William Knee, newspaper article of the Double murder of the Rose's, 1891 Superintendent Report and the Eastern Coyote.
Spring 2014 includes the Hobart Redinger's Plane, Resettlement Land including a DCNR Resettlement map, Air marking in Chaneysville, and the Black Willow.
Fall 2014 includes the Old Henderickson Place, the History of Stony Lick School, 1877 Atlas Map of Chaneysville updated to 2014 with old and new photos of Chaneysville and the history of Flint.
Spring 2015 includes the Sweet Root Inn, Scan Day Photos, Marshall Leasure, Lost Baseball, Poem by K. Frank and details on rattlesnakes.
Fall 2015 includes the special Flag raising ceremony, history of the Vance family, Part 1 of the Luke Fetters Homestead, and the tulip tree.
Spring 2016 includes Part 2 of the Luke Fetters Mansion/Brockey Log House, Robinson to Robosson, Bureau of Forestry and a message from Jack Knee.
Fall 2016 includes CCC Camp, El Bethel Cemetery Fence, Victor Ratcliff and Farewell to the Ash Tree
​Spring 2017 includes Hidden Springs Campground, Mystery of Lost Run, and the Eastern Cougar
Fall 2017 includes Just Who is This Bean of Beans Cove? Water Witching and Fossils.
Spring 2018 includes Robosson's Pure Maple Syrup, How to make Maple Syrup, Jewelweed, Hall of Fame~Clinton Cessna, Truck in the Wall and Whip Poor Will.
Fall 2018 includes German Reformed Church, Bedford Co. Sports Hall of Fame Inductee Clinton Cessna, Boneset and Lichen.
Spring 2019 includes First People in Southampton Township, Woodcock, Outhouse.
Fall 2019 includes Rice Family History, Chaneysville VFC, The Fisher, Barns, Comfort Recipe.
Spring 2020 includes O'Neal/Cessna Family, The Other Pandemic, Knee Family, E. Dean Beck.
Fall 2020 includes an Update on More Caves, American Basswood, 1930 Fire, School Days.
Spring 2021 includes Sweet Root Park, Awarded a Grant, Progress on PPS, Black Legged Tick, Churches, Our Historian, Oak Dale Chapel.