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Church Tour Brochure v.2.JPG
Church Tour Map v.3 final.JPG


April 12th - Self-driving tour of 8 Churches of Southampton Twp.

May 17th- Quilt Show n Tell, 2-4pm at Point Pleasant School

May 20th - Serving food and sharing history during the Election​

June 7th - Meet & Greet at the Railroad Station in Everett with the Bloody Run Historical Society

June 28th - Southampton Township Community Day

July  - Presentation by Brandon Rader

August - Jeff Whetstone presentation on PA Long Guns. 

October 19th - Annual Picnic/Hike 1:00 -?

November 4th - Election Day

 Annual Fall Picnic/Hike
Sunday Oct. 19, 2025

Annual Hike to Salt Petre Cave
3rd Sunday of each October
The SHS offers a picnic lunch at 1:00
for a donation near Chaneysville 
at Sweet Root Park 
with a hike leaving at 2:00

David & Jeannie Zaladonis will also present Flintlocks & Fiddles

1750's Living History during the French & Indian War era.



 The SHS will be serving food 7:00~7:00 during election day,  Stop by and check out our history displays and

"talk history" with us.


Once again we will be scanning any of your old photos or documents while you wait.




 Join us on Monday, April 18th at 10am at the Southampton Township building

in Chaneysville to help pick-up trash.


Our members pick up trash along our designated route for the Adopt-A-Highway program

thru Penn DOT every April and Oct.  We meet at the township building at 10:00 am. 

Plan now to join us. 



The SHS will be creating an ancestral Garden near the Point Plesant School, full of heirloom plants and bushes from some of our earlier landowners.  If you would like to donate something towards the garden please contact us, we'll check our running list so we don't have repeats.



Thanks to everyone
who donated money towards the fence and this stone to mark the resting place of some of our early Bennetts who were buried on the farm of Joseph and Margaret Bennett. 





More photos are posted under the Blues Gap Bennett Cemetery. 

Our purpose is to preserve, protect and promote the history and heritage of Southampton Township and to foster projects that link the present to the past.


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© 2015 The Southampton Historical Society

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